Kendall is no longer the only 9th grader in the civilized free world who doesn't have a cell phone. After enjoying her begging & pleading for the past two years, we caved in and made the monumental trip to Costco last night to pick out a phone and add a line to our plan. Well, actually it's an "extra family phone" to be available for both girls to use as needed, but I'm pretty sure it's primary residence will be Kendall's purse or backpack.
This was a tough move for us because we have prided ourselves on not giving in to the teen cell phone craziness. When Kendall's classmates began getting phones in 6th grade, we were appalled. In 7th and 8th grade she was one of a handful of cell-less kids, and we told her she could have one when she starts driving. Just yesterday at Jenna's open house at school, a parent looked at me in open-mouthed awe when he learned that Kendall didn't yet have a cell phone. He had succumbed when his son was 12 and he told me he admired my strength...and I felt proud.
Well, now that she's off on her own more, I've been finding myself thinking how I wished she had a phone so I could check in with her, find out what time to pick her up, etc. I know there will be times when it will really come in handy. BUT, just to keep Kendall humble, she is STILL the only 9th grader in the civilized free world who doesn't have texting! We'll hold our ground as long as we can on that one too, and if you've had the opportunity to witness teen texting in action, you'll understand why.
The upside for us is that since our Verizon contract was up, we switched to T-Mobile (cheaper) and all three of us got new blackberry phones for free! Kendall has been quite busy getting them set up for us. Ha!
Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend!