The weather was beautiful today & we managed to get outside for a couple of hours in between church, errands, and dinner plans with friends. Kendall & her big teenage-type friends strolled the neighborhood & probably talked about boys while Jer, Jenna & I played some baseball.
As we frolicked in the yard enjoying the warm sun, we had a couple visitors who spent quite a long time enjoying the last patch of ice on the pond.
(yes, I'm quite certain that's what was going through their minds)
And Casey, not to be outdone by a couple of ducks, thought a dog in a pond was a much more picturesque portrait of spring.
awww...casey looks like a stray dog with that raggamuffin hair style.
She also looks quite unhappy to be on her leash. Does she still dart if she is off leash, or were you trying to keep her from swimming..or were you forcing her to be still for her blog picture?
oops..that was not Chloe who wrote that, but Kerri.
deleted comment? hmmm..this is suspicious and perhaps scandalous!
Scadalous indeed!
Yes, Casey still bolts off the leash. Surprisingly, the neighbor dogs don't really appreciate her coming into their garage uninvited.
Can you come train my dog like Daisy?
give me some medium sized rocks, tabasco sauce and a super soaker water pistol and we are in action.
I'll have that pup trained in no time.
no mom we were not talking about boys! we were talking about school for your information! :)
I wish I could take credit for the scandalous and suspicious deleted comment. That would be so tricky of me. But I can't. Or can I? You'll never know. I wanted to tell you that I googled "petegirls" and Google let me right to your door. Not your literal door. That would be creepy and dangerous. But your blogspot door. And so here I am. Poor, poor Casey. I don't know who's suffering more - the dog or the children. Kendall looks terribly dissapointed in the shadow of Casey's furless headshot. It will grow back. I'm sure she'll be cute again someday.
Jessica! Yipee - you're on my blog! Come visit & comment often!
um, jessica....
I have a blog....
come visit.
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