This evening I endured possibly the most miserable soccer game of my 6 year "soccer mom" career. Although there was a severe thunderstorm warning for our county, the league rule is that the game is played unless there is lightning or tornado sirens blaring. So, we loaded the van with umbrellas & blankets and off we trekked to Kendall's game. It was windy, it was pouring, and the temperature was rapidly dropping. The manicured, yuppie mom would be tempted to sit in the car...but not the true soccer mom. After 1/2 hour of sitting in the rain with my comrades - a blessed flash of lightning! Now, this doesn't mean that the game is cancelled. It means that we trudge back to our cars to wait for 30 minutes and see if the game can resume. But...there is hope.
However, our dream of dryness was not fulfilled tonight. Although the rain intensified, the lightning stopped..and the game went on. The soccer moms sat there with our umbrellas blown inside-out more than not, laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. We were drenched & frozen, but our little baby girls were drenched & frozen more. And they lost the game. We talked about how we would stop & buy the girls hot chocolate on the way home.
So despite the reputation, I am happy to be part of this group called soccer moms, and I know the same can be said for hockey, football, & softball moms everywhere! I think there might be a sports-ball shaped crown jewel waiting for us in Heaven. :)
Better luck next time Cyclones!