Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I suppose I haven't been feeling particularly creative this week as my aging and feeble brain inched closer & closer to that magical number......
40. While my original plan was to spend the day in bed with the covers pulled over my head, the morning was sunny & bright so I somehow found the will to rise. :) It was actually a really fun day. The girls made me cheesecake with fresh strawberries (YUM!) and I got my very own Webkinz (the rare dragon no less!). Jer was kind enough to buy me a GPS thing for my car so I won't get lost as my sense of direction deteriorates further. I got yummy steak for lunch that I didn't have to grill, a free cooler at Caribou, and we saw "Prince Caspian". Yep....a good day.
Friday was track & field day for Jenna. Here she is making her amazing 2nd place long jump. Red was the theme of the day as Jenna competed in four events and got 2nd place ribbons in all four. Not bad eh?
There are only 6 more days left of school. Maybe the last day of school is the signal for summer weather to begin. Maybe sunshine & warmth will swoop in after the last child boards the bus! I WANT SUMMER!!
The big 4-0 finally approached huh? For what it's worth, you honestly can pass for late 20's, my dear. And really - age is just a number (remember to say that back to me when I turn 40 - I'm really good at giving positive reinforcement to others - not so much myself so I'll be counting on you to do that at that time). :)
Sounds like your bday was great. I'm jealous of the GPS thing - I want one of those!!!
Happy Happy Birthday!!!
Bless you Tami..you just made my day.
When the dreaded 4-0 comes for you (and I'm looking at 50!) I'll be there for ya!
GREAT picture! I am so sad I missed the big day. We will celebrate in July!
Jenna rocks! Love the action pics!
Oh yeah, we're going out for both our birthdays & Jer's babysitting!
dad will babysit?? i'm gonna be 14 in June, mom!!
Oh yeah, sorry Kendall. You'll always be a precious little baby-boo-boo to your momma.
I can't believe Kendall is going to be 14. Where has time went??? She's my little flower girl!
THen again - Dave and I are celebrating our 10-year anniversary this August.....
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