The luck of the blogger has not been with me lately. My internet was down for a few days after some lightning, and now that it's back I'm having some camera woes. Hopefully the camera issue will be resolved by tomorrow & I'll be back with pictures of girls with new haircuts with bangs and other exciting stuff!
Until then, let me at least offer this helpful tip. Always know where your bowl of chocolates is and make darn sure your dog can't reach it. We learned this lesson the hard way last weekend, and the ramifications were...well...quite discusting (as some of you were unfortunate enough to witness). You may think your peanut butter cups and hershey's kisses are safe on the end table....they're not. Be warned.
Hope everyone is enjoying the 3 NICE DAYS we've had in a row! :)
Why won't blogger let me put spaces between my paragraphs sometimes? It looks right on my draft but not when it's published! Help anyone?
um, i don't know.
welcome back to the World Wide Web! It is a better place now with you in it! You were truly missed, and I for one will say that the internet was invented for people like you!
Al Gore? Don't you have a glacier to save or a polar bear to hug or something? Oh well, thanks for your kind words & stop by anytime!
um, i came over from the sock monkey blog as I heard that there is always a party going on here but I'm thinking that it must have been a practical joke, but not so practical and not so funny either. If there is a new posting here soon, I may be back and bring along some cool friends with me.
yo yo where da party at? me and my homies be lookin' to get all freaky up in here. we'z be checkin youz later. peace out, homeslice.
cheerio my good ladies. a lady named deb directed me to this blog. i can see that it is no competition for sock monkey and i will be going back to that blog for it is cuter. ta-ta! btw (ha! i used a text word! i'm so proud of myself!) you make 40 years old sound horrid, when I say that it is certainly not. Huff!
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