Tuesday, July 22, 2008
canine pageant queen
First of all let me say that I do not put clothing on my dog on a regular basis, and I do not, and will not ever carry her around in a purse. In other words, I'm not a weird dog person. However, when a cute cafe nearby decided to hold a dog fashion show/competition, we couldn't deny Casey her chance in the spotlight. The girls and I made a trip to Wal-Mart where we picked out this lovely little summery frock. Jenna also wanted the pink doggie barrettes, but her frugal (i.e.cheap) mom decided we'd just find something in our vast collection of human hair accessories at home. The final result is this little princess in all her finery.
Here are Jenna and some of the other contestants in the "small dog" category getting ready to walk in a circle in front of the panel of judges. Notice the dogs around her standing nice and calmly. I expected it to be mostly kids showing their dogs & thought it was pretty funny that Jenna was the only one. There was even one dad that had somehow been coerced into being there with his little white schnauzer type dog. He kept saying things like "ok, what are we doing?" with a deadpan voice to make sure nobody would mistakenly think he was enjoying himself. Casey & Jenna did GREAT! Jenna even got Casey to sit on command when the judges asked her to...not an easy task!
Casey was a little worried about this wiener dog with wings...trying to look all angelic & all.
This poor, humiliated soul has a bambi purse around her neck, and if you look closely you'll see that her dress is held together by paper clips. A travesty to be sure.
Our sympathy for her was short-lived though, because she was crowned the "best dressed" dog at the show! I'm sorry, but somebody was paid off or something because that's just crazy. However, we are good sports in our family, so we told Casey that she was the grand prize winner and gave her a few treats. She was happy as can be and none the wiser. Look out red, we'll be back next year!
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Okay - this post made me laugh out loud as well as seriously ponder why it's okay to dress a BIG dog in a Bambi purse and dress held together with paper clips. Honestly - I get the cuteness of putting clothes on little dogs - but big dogs? Sheesh - Bailey would be humiliated beyond belief if we tried that.
I think they should have had a t-shirt made for that big dog that said something like, "I'd rather be chasing a ball, hunting, etc". Poor thing just looked mortified.
Casey, however, looked like the bomb diggity. Love it!
Tami, I think you have yourself a money-making idea there! I love the "I'd rather be.." t-shirt idea!
Thanks for being a faithful reader & commenter! :)
Or how about this? A camouflaged shirt that says, "I'm SUPPOSED to be hunting."
I'm always happy when I see a new Deb blog. Consider me addicted to It's a Wonderful Life.
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