Well, as much as we wanted to kidnap our auntie & cousies and keep them here forever, they had to make the long journey home. :( The start of school is looming ever closer so we're determined to enjoy every last day we have left.
Kendall returned from camp on Friday and was the most excited I've ever seen her. She told me camp stories for 3 hours straight. I'm not exaggerating...I noted the time when she stopped talking. It was great & I'm so happy she had such an amazing time! Her high school soccer (HIGH school?!?!) starts tomorrow with a 4 hour tryout/practice so the poor dear will have to get up at the crack of 7:00. Our sleeping-in days are already over.....(sigh)
Jenna is in complete heaven this week. Our neighbors are on vacation & asked us to take care of their amazing swimming pool while they're gone. In return we get to use the pool as much as we want! It has a slide & diving board & is just great! Since Jenna can do a mean "puppy dog eye", I have a feeling we'll be there every day....at least once.
AND, there is major progress happening in the basement! Jer sprayed primer on the ceiling & walls this weekend, so now we have to get busy choosing paint colors. I don't know how to pick anything other than a variation of tan or green so I'm up for any creative ideas anyone may have. I guess we need to figure out what to do with the trim too...stain or paint? AAHHH!
I am the WORST when it comes to paint. I use my friends knowledge frequently. But how exciting to have it done.
I'd be in heaven too if I had to "take care" of my neighbors pool. If I lived closer, I'd come help Jenna take care of it. :)
Hey auntie deb!
love the new background!
I'm glad kendall and jenna are having a great time and hope to see you guys soon!
Katie, I just went to your blog & it's gone!! :( Did you take it down or is there just a glitch of some kind?
you could have kidnapped us. we wouldn't have struggled too much.
fun news about the basement! Staining is easier to maintain, painting you have to clean every few weeks. I had painted white in two houses besides this one.
I like painted though....I like stain too. see how much help I am? for pete sake.
Deb! What happened to your workout video post? I want to comment! I have so many favorites. Talking about workouts is so much better than actually doing them.
Oh really? Well, when a post sits there with no comments after several days, I figure it's too stupid to deserve a place on the blog & hit delete. My writing confidence may be a bit fragile. :)
Please, do tell me about your favorite videos though! Richard Simmons? Kathy Smith? They're all sooo delightful!
Nope, it's still there!
I'll check and see if anything is wrong with it, but i think everything is still there!?!?
ok, so i checked and it was the website... instead of katiegirlrox.blogspot.com, it was oddly changed to
katiegirlrox1.blogspot.com., so that's why!!
it is back to normal now though...
i talked for 3 hrs straight?!?!?! really?? really really?? oh wow! i must have been really excited! i mean i was, but i didn't know i talked that long! mamamia!
okay - favorite workout videos. I really like any of the Kathy Smith ones i've done. Christy Taylor is really good too - really high energy arobics that will kill you if you do the whole thing, but they all give you an option of quitting after about 30 minutes which i always do. There's a great dvd set you can get from amazon that's 4 dvds - two step workouts and two regular aerobics. also - the FIRM dvds are really good - they have some good shorter full body workouts (cardio sculpt blaster is one). I like them short. As short as possible please. Hmmm...I also like Petra Kolber, but haven't done any of her newer stuff. And Paula Abduls Get Up and Dance is awesome...but the cool down part is embarassing to do even when i'm all alone. I'll stop there.
paula abdul had workout videos?!?! ha ha ha! sry just hit me funny. ha!
Requesting new post.......
sunday is a good day for postings.
Time for a new post!
I know...sorry. Busy weekend. I'll try to get something new up tonight my faithful readers.
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