Two mornings a week, Casey is alone downstairs from 5:30 to 6:00 am. She is completely unsupervised during this time & has quickly learned how to use these 30 minutes to her fullest advantage.
Last week I came downstairs at 6:00 to find a brand new bag of hamburger buns (good, expensive wheat ones!) on the floor, ripped open and one bun half eaten. The buns had been on the counter & I thought there's no way my 10 inch tall dog (I measured her) could have gotten them down. It was a mystery.
Wednesday Jer came down at 6:00 to find a ziplock bag on the floor that had contained one last cinnamon-streusel muffin. The muffin was gone without a trace. Again, the bag had been up on the counter.
Yesterday Jer was in the basement at 5:30 am lifting weights when he heard a steady "THUMP-THUMP-THUMP" upstairs. He walked up, peeked through the basement door into the kitchen and saw Casey leaping repeatedly into the air. Leaping higher & higher until she cleared the countertop & could see what goodies she could snag on the way down. This puny little 10 inch tall, 7 pound dog can jump higher than the countertop with enough coordination & precision to grab whatever edible delight is available.
She has never displayed this super-canine ability in front of us, but saves it for her magical 30 minutes in the wee hours of the morning.
You just gotta love this little pain in the butt.
Last week I came downstairs at 6:00 to find a brand new bag of hamburger buns (good, expensive wheat ones!) on the floor, ripped open and one bun half eaten. The buns had been on the counter & I thought there's no way my 10 inch tall dog (I measured her) could have gotten them down. It was a mystery.
Wednesday Jer came down at 6:00 to find a ziplock bag on the floor that had contained one last cinnamon-streusel muffin. The muffin was gone without a trace. Again, the bag had been up on the counter.
Yesterday Jer was in the basement at 5:30 am lifting weights when he heard a steady "THUMP-THUMP-THUMP" upstairs. He walked up, peeked through the basement door into the kitchen and saw Casey leaping repeatedly into the air. Leaping higher & higher until she cleared the countertop & could see what goodies she could snag on the way down. This puny little 10 inch tall, 7 pound dog can jump higher than the countertop with enough coordination & precision to grab whatever edible delight is available.
She has never displayed this super-canine ability in front of us, but saves it for her magical 30 minutes in the wee hours of the morning.
You just gotta love this little pain in the butt.
i really wish i could have been there!
PLEASE install a camera in your kitchen. They don't cost that much, and perhaps you can be famous on youtube and then get on David Letterman or something. That dancing bird made it all the way, and he wasn't as cute as casey. think on it.
I'd contribute $10.00 to the camera.
I just read this to Dan - we laughed hard! He said, "She needs to install a camera." So I second Kerri's suggestion...we'll pitch in $10 too. I've also been meaning to ask if you are planning to send your video of Casey being dragged to AFV or America's Funniest Pets and People (I think that's the one on Animal Planet).
Hmmm..$20 already in my nanny-cam fund huh? I'll have to give this some serious thought. I never thought about sending the dragging dog video to AFV. Maybe I should if other people actually think it's funny. Another thing to ponder..
Hey Jess, today's new doggy day! Can't wait to hear about it! (get that blog started!)
Hey - I'm in for $10 too. That would be some great humor. ANd then when you and your dog get famous, I can say I knew the Peterson's when they were just the Peterson's. And that would make me really cool.
Former rock star brother, cousin who sings at Twins games, and other cousins who own a superhuman dog with catlike abilities - You pretty much can't get any cooler than that. :)
Ha ha! Tami you make me laugh. :)
You're much too modest. You know you're already famous for being the first Lee/Peterson family member to have a blog! I'm just a copy-cat living in your shadow with my cat-like dog.
Yeah well - I have to confess. I stole the blog thing from a Levang family member actually. I just brought it over the Lee side.
I'm just happy that people LIKE my blog and don't think I'm a complete weirdo. At least - they TELL me they don't think that....I wonder why they never look me in the eye when they say it though??? Hmmmm.....
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