Last week I got my hair foiled. There was a pile of brochures at work for a newly opened salon, along with some coupons for 50% off any service for new clients. Since 50% off of a full foil is a big chunk of change, I decided to be fiscally responsible and try the new salon.
I usually get blonde & light brownish foils. This time my 20 year old new stylist (yikes!) and I decided to try some dark reddish ones & not as much blonde. I like the red color, it's fun for fall, but apparently 20 year olds prefer the "chunky" foil look and thus I ended up with 2 big red blobs of hair right in the front. It drove me nuts for a week before I finally went back today to get it fixed (sort of) by another 20 year old stylist with 2 piercings in her lips and platinum blonde extensions. A very nice, friendly girl, but I am old and our hairstyle ideas are not, um, compatible. She suggested I try a short choppy cut, or get extensions myself at a cost of only $400 every 3-4 months. :)
So, all's well that ends well, but I'm looking forward to my next haircut at my old place with my favorite stylist who's in her mid-to-upper twenties. Hopefully she'll forgive my disloyalty and welcome me back into the fold.