Anyway, Jenna had been looking forward to this day for a long time. She even made one of her great signs counting down the days until school (with tear off sheets) and hung it in the living room. Happily, she had a great day and can't wait until tomorrow. Who can blame her? She ended up in the same class with all 4 of her best friends and a teacher who loves parties and doesn't like homework. :) Yep, gonna be a good year for Jenna. Her only disappointment today was when I picked her up & told her that her piano teacher (who is her music teacher at school) wanted to start lessons right away today. Piano lessons just aren't as fun as they used to be. A chocolate shake from McD's helped to ease the pain though.
Kendall's first day of high school went well, but she was not happy to come home with HOMEWORK on the first day. It probably only took her 45 minutes to do, but still...come on teachers! She has two honors classes this year & there is definitely a higher standard. She got to go to her first drama class & found out that she got the part of Belinda Cratchit in the fall production of A Christmas Carol! (auditions were a couple weeks ago). So next week she begins drama rehearsals after soccer practice/games. I should get to see her around 9:00 each night. Ha! She'll have a blast though! Soccer is over the end of September, so the craziness is temporary.
Kendall actually has the same English teacher that I had for high school. Now that's just weird. I thought for sure she would retire before Kendall got to high school, but...guess not. It should be interesting.
I get to enjoy one more blissful day home alone before I go back to work on Thursday. Hmmmm, what flavor bon-bons shall I enjoy tomorrow? What mindless talk show should I watch? Lucky me!
As far as the blonde? I find that Clairol/Herbal Essences/Loreal has a VERY nice blonde that happens much quicker than the sun (though obviously not near as natural looking).
Ari got a teacher for 2nd grade that Ember had in 2nd grade. So Ari told this teacher about that and her teacher remembered Ember and said, "And she was a very good student. I bet you'll be the same." I told her she's already made her bed now so she's gonna have some examples to follow. :) Her smile seemed to shake a little as I said that as if she was thinking, "Oh crap. I probably shouldn't have told the teacher that."
You have busy busy girls. They look so cute with their blonde hair and tans. I imagine the school year is a blur for you all.
actually, the summer goes in a blur, the school year is long. :(
congrads on successfully getting the kids off to school, and getting a nice picture of the day.
HEY! your kitchen looks JUST like mine! Seriously! same pretty yellow paint color! Yours is much too clean however so I'm sending a package of junk to clutter up your counters.
don't worry, auntie ker, its not always that clean. actually, its never that clean. there's usually papers all over the place. you can save your package of junk for your kitchen. :p was work? what flavor bon-bons did you eat and what mindless daytime talk show did you watch? any soaps that you check in on from time to time? totally random - but it's amazing to me when i'm in line at the grocery store and i see soap opera digest and see the same Days and Y&R people that were on when i watched 15 years ago...and they look creepily the same...or younger.
oh - and i've been wondering...when is Jenna going to start a blog. i can't even imagine how awesome that would be.
wow.. sounds like me on the first day of junior high! I had about an hour of homework on the first day and most of it was math.. that really stunk. I have really good teachers though. GUESS WHAT!?!?!?! I don't have lunch till 12:50!!!! Can u believe that?!?!?! That is too late for a lunch!
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