So, in honor of this special day, I give ye a blast from the past. The cutest little pirate I ever did see along with her buddy the lovely "gothic princess" when they were 11 and almost 8 years old.
Take time for a little swashbuckling with ye mateys and lemme here ye say AAAAARRR! (yes, my pirate speak is something to be admired).
how in the world did you learn that today was that most fabulous of days!? though i can't be with you in body, i will be with you in pirate speaking spirit. arrrgh.
we heard it on air1. arrr...if yer not here, you walk the plank, matey! arrrr! thats me favorite letter
When I looked at that picture before I read the blog, I was thinking, "Man...K and J look so YOUNG."
Then I read the blog. It all makes sense now. :)
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