Thursday, October 2, 2008

new buddy on my mantle

The air is cooler, the leaves are starting to change, but in our home we know fall has officially arrived when Jenna begins her decorating. Jenna had a bit of a headache when I picked her up from school today, but despite not feeling 100%, she knew this was the day she must begin her fall creations. She grabbed a box of crafty tidbits and a short time later introduced me to this wonderful scarecrow which she hung from our mantle. I especially love the crow on his arm and the cornstalks in his hay-hands!
It's hard to tell from the picture, but he's a 3-dimensional fellow with some type of cylinder beneath his fabric shirt & pants. I think he's pretty great & I can't wait to see how Jenna decks out the place for Halloween!

With that, I'm off to watch the VP debate which I've been looking forward to all day! Yep, I'm a geek. Whoo-hoo!


Anonymous said...

Awwww! cute, gonna watch the debate now to!

Anonymous said...

a most excellent artistic piece from Jenna.
Really, if she had a boutique, I'd buy her out and go into financial ruin.
I still want to steal her little crafty sculptures off her nightstand.
I would like to order one of those scarecrows, and wonder what the going price would be with standard shipping rates.

Kerri said...

OOPS! that comment was from me.

CaMaTaDaLisMa said...

Wow! Jenna is quite crafty!!! I'm so impressed. That scarecrow is absolutely adorable!

Now I want to go find a bunch of crafty stuff and lay them out for Ari to make something with when she gets home. :)

Skittles said...

jenna decorates for anything! school starting, easter, christmas, halloween...