Monday, October 20, 2008

this & that

Jeremy went off on his first hunting trip of the season last weekend, so it was just me & the girlies for a couple of days. I decided to seize this opportunity to introduce them to yet another fabulous TV show from their mommy's childhood, Happy Days! The girls (and me of course) LOVED it! Ahh, the memories. I was thinking that I'm so happy my kids like my old favorites & don't think they're old fashioned & lame, but I guess I used to watch "The Dick VanDyke Show", "I Love Lucy", and even the Beav and thought they were pretty cool too. Even though they were in "gasp" black & white. Needless to say, we're pretty excited for our next Netflix delivery of Richie & the gang. Yesterday Kendall told me that she wished she could have lived in the 80's when there were so many great shows to watch, but was quick to point out that 80's hair was not ok.

Thanks to Jenna, our house is fully decorated now with many ghosts, autumn leaves, and even a spider web housing a littlest petshop spider on the mantle. In other Jenna news, she just got her soccer tryout results & she earned a spot on a traveling team for next summer! (I am working on cloning myself so two traveling teams will be manageable). She's also starting basketball next month & has been practicing hard on the driveway. After being solely a soccer family for so long, it'll be fun to have a new sport to watch. Especially one that doesn't require umbrellas & blankets!

Kendall's busy with play practices almost every night, but is having a great time of course. The show is less than a month away now & sounds like it's going to be really good! Dates & times will be forthcoming to all interested parties. :)

This post is a little disjointed, as my brain doesn't seem to be working smoothly this Monday morning, but I wanted to get something out to you my faithful readers. I think I'll get me some more coffee. Have a great day all!


CaMaTaDaLisMa said...

Oh c'mon now Deb - 80's hair was AWESOME! I think I went through 2..maybe 3 cans of AquaNet a week! :)

I loved Happy Days too - it was a Tuesday night show. It was followed by Laverne and Shirley, then Threes Company, then Too Close for Comfort.

Sad ...I think I may have been allowed to watch a little too much TV as a child if I can remember that as well as I do. I also remember Friday nights - Dukes of Hazzard, Dallas, Falcon Crest and on Saturday, it was Charlies Angels, Love Boat then Fantasy Island.

Oy - I'm scaring myself now. Though I may have inadvertantly given myself an idea for a blog. THANK YOU! I've been suffering writers block huge lately.

CaMaTaDaLisMa said...

Oh yeah - congrats to Jenna on making the traveling team. And yea to basketball. I love basketball. Also - I'd love the info on Kendalls play - maybe we can work it into our schedule and come up and see her. That'd be great.

Skittles said...

from what i've heard from mom and seen on full house, i would HATE to have to do my hair like that! but i really like happy days. its a great show! i can't wait for the next disc to come!

Jessica said...

i HAVE to agree with Tami about 80's hair! it was awesome. When Jenna's a little older, we will loan you our three seasons of 21 Jumpstreet and then you will remember the splendor of 80's hair and fashion.

Deb, I don't know how you do it, but you do seem to love it...all the being a mom I'm sure you'll swing it. If you ever get in a bind on a Saturday...I'd be happy to play "you part 2."

My best TV memory (apart from Saturday morning cartoons) is Thursday nights. Family Ties, followed by the Cosby Show, and then my brother and I went to bed and listened to our parents laugh and laugh while watching Cheers. Family Ties is another great one...we have Season 1 on DVD if you ever want to borrow it.

Congrats to Jenna...yet another smashing success for the Pete Girls.

deb said...

Wait, I know 80's hair was awesome to behold, but for someone like me cursed with very fine, straight hair, it was WORK! Perms every 3 months & 30 minutes of curling, teasing & spraying every morning. Getting that feathered hair to meet just right in the back of my head was no easy task. Of course it was flat by the time school was over, so I'd have to redo the whole thing before going to whatever other activities I had. Teen girls nowadays have it waaay to easy.

I could do an entire blog on the magical 80's. The material is endless! :)

deb said...

Tami, that's so funny that you remember all the TV lineups! So many great shows! Well, except for Three's Company - I hated that one. All the characters annoyed me.

Jessica, Thursday night was definitely my favorite too. We have a few seasons of the Cosby's. I'll trade ya for Family Ties!

Kerri said...

I don't have time to add anything this morning...and really, what could I add? All the good material regarding tv and hair has been so well stated.
Jenna, you are so great! Your a scrapper out there on the soccer field, so I can see why you got picked up for travel.

Peterson girls rock. You too, deb.

CaMaTaDaLisMa said...

Ahh...the feathered hair that meets in the back. That was THE coolest.

See...I've always had ...big hair. You've seen it Deb. I try to straighten it now and although its not curly - it's always just big. Dense. For that reason - I was able to probably get close to the biggest hair in my class back in the 80's.

Now I really enjoy a good 80's party. It's fun to see if I can still do it (I can!)

Threes Company - I'm not even really sure that I should have been watching that. Or maybe my parents weren't aware. I don't know...I seemed to be up too late watching shows that were maybe deemed inappropriate for my youth.

I'm gonna have to talk to Phil and Di a bit about that.

Don't tell Sonja. ;) (I know, I know...she's reading this too)

Skittles said...

funny, cuz i really have no input on this post cuz i didn't exist...

Kerri said...

why does Potsy's head look so small and strange?

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for dissin' my head. I was a superstar and you're not so sit on it.

Kerri said...

patiently awaiting more wonderful musings from you.....

Katie-Kat said...

I didn't exist either so wateva