Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Quirky Customers

The job I have does not reflect the hard work I put into earning a college degree, or the student loan that took 10 years to pay off. I don't earn much money and it won't really improve my resume, but I get to work around my kids' school schedule and that's why I work there. I also get to meet some very interesting people that keep me entertained every day.

Yesterday a lady came into the shop looking for "travel salt shakers". She asked me if we had some or if we've ever seen any in the catalogs we order from. I must have looked at her kinda funny, so she began to explain the reason for her request. She likes to take her own sea salt with her to restaurants because it's "so much better for you, especially if you suffer from high blood pressure". She told me she had tried using those little mini salt shakers and putting tape over the holes, but the salt would still leak into her purse. She had been to several stores and was sure there must be SOMEWHERE she can find travel salt shakers that have a little lid to keep the salt secure. She asked me to be sure to tell the store buyer of her request and that she knows of at least 3 girlfriends that would rush in to buy them too. She then asked me to take her name & number so I could call her if we ever get them in.

I'm not a big salt user. In fact, the only food I shake it on is corn on the cob so maybe the importance of this issue escapes me. But, if you don't like regular table salt, or you have high blood pressure, couldn't you just skip the salt for that one meal in a restaurant? Or if you're really that salt obsessed, wouldn't a ziplock baggie work just fine? It just doesn't seem like something you should spend your time running all over town looking for.

I just realized that this post reminds me of Seinfeld. The show about nothing...the post about nothing. Ha! But the quirky customers make my little gift shop job entertaining, so there ya go. And if anyone's looking for that million-dollar idea.....travel salt shakers!


Anonymous said...

can a person post a link in the comment field? well here's a try:

i love your post about nothing. you could probably blog every work day about a new and eccentric customer. i'm thinking you get a few of those.

Anonymous said...

nope - it doesn't look like you can post a link. ah well. just google "travel salt shaker." the possibilities are endless.

Kerri said...

yes, Jessica, as I read this the camper in me thought "well of course go to REI or any outdoor enthusiast store".
if she comes in again, please tell her that a old lady gift shop is NOT the place to look for travel salt shakers. Steer her to the camping goods stores. I think Walmart might even have something.

However, now that I've solved the problem (after Jessica did) let me say that I think your job sounds simply delightful!!! You talk to a variety of people and wear an apron. Right now, after the day I've had....sounds like heaven. Do you have chocolates at the checkout you can snack on? Then it really would be heaven.

deb said...

Ok, I'll send her to REI, but I think she wants cute little old lady salt shakers, not heavy duty waterproof, Boundary Waters approved ones. :) I still maintain that the salt can be skipped now & then. Does she whip out her sea salt while at a friend's house? In the words of Stephanie Tanner, "how rude!"

No chocolates but the most amazing licorice caramels that are very soft & buttery with a hint of black licorice flavor. Of course I won't have one for 8 more days.

CaMaTaDaLisMa said...

People have the strangest requests. That's funny. And I love the Seinfeld reference. I believe I have written MANY posts about nothing. HA! They're often the most entertaining.

I love it. So..where do you work? Oh...and I love the paint color in your kitchen.

Skittles said...

i love serendipity!