Saturday, October 25, 2008

welcome to the neighborhood?

The other day I happened to look out my window when this huge fox came trotting out of the brush by our pond. By the time I ran to get my camera, he was sauntering through my next-door-neighbor's yard and started climbing around on their retaining wall! The pictures are pretty bad because they were taken through a window, I zoomed up really close, and the fox kept moving. I wish they showed how really amazing he was!

While I was really excited to be able to see this guy up close, it was also kinda weird that he was right up by the house like that. I started to wonder if he would eat my dog given the chance. Poor Casey lives under the constant threat of hawks, the mean puggle down the street, and now a giant fox.

But I digress. The fox was awesome and I hope he visits again one day.


Jessica said...

wow!! those pictures are actually pretty great

Kerri said...

WOw he is a large fox! Very cool and I hope that he comes back many times...or course when Casey is safe inside....