Last week I got my hair foiled. There was a pile of brochures at work for a newly opened salon, along with some coupons for 50% off any service for new clients. Since 50% off of a full foil is a big chunk of change, I decided to be fiscally responsible and try the new salon.
I usually get blonde & light brownish foils. This time my 20 year old new stylist (yikes!) and I decided to try some dark reddish ones & not as much blonde. I like the red color, it's fun for fall, but apparently 20 year olds prefer the "chunky" foil look and thus I ended up with 2 big red blobs of hair right in the front. It drove me nuts for a week before I finally went back today to get it fixed (sort of) by another 20 year old stylist with 2 piercings in her lips and platinum blonde extensions. A very nice, friendly girl, but I am old and our hairstyle ideas are not, um, compatible. She suggested I try a short choppy cut, or get extensions myself at a cost of only $400 every 3-4 months. :)
So, all's well that ends well, but I'm looking forward to my next haircut at my old place with my favorite stylist who's in her mid-to-upper twenties. Hopefully she'll forgive my disloyalty and welcome me back into the fold.
deb! that sounds like a stylist i would have loved! i wish you would have kept the blobs long enough for a picture. please post a pic of the current 'do...i so wamt to see it! i hope you haven't been too traumatised by the whole experience. seriously, $300 a month!!?? that's nuts.
ha ha ha! i think the only person who could afford extensions would be bill gates!
Jessica, let me know if you want the stylists names. You'd get half off. The first one told me that if I referred someone she'd give me a free eyebrow wax! ha!
No worries, I'm not traumatized. The time I got green hair was traumatic.
As a fellow hair-colorer (but one who typically does her own out of a box), I have actually had my hair turn a lovely shade of lavender once.
That was fun.
I'm sure it looks great, though. Your hair always looks great and you're so dang cute, you can totally pull it off.
Doesn't it make you feel old, though, when you realize your stylist could actually be your kid???
creepier yet...when go to a new doctor and he is younger than you!
Yes, the younger than me thing throws me off, too.
My new chiropractor looks like he is 14. I know he isn't, and I know now I'm old.
I also know I'm old because shopping with Chloe in Aropostale' yesterday two things came out of my mouth:
"those jeans have holes in them, I'm not buying jeans with holes!"
"Why can't they just turn down this music so I can shop! I can't think with all that noise".
thats exactly what my mom says! she leaves because she can't stand the loud music!
I suppose "signs and symptoms you've become an old fuddy duddy" could be a fun post idea. Yes, Aeropostle can be a mom's good friend,(cheap prices-cute clothes), but when they start blasting the screamo I get real crabby real quick.
ugh. my favorite store for clothes has always been express, but they have taken to playing the music SO LOUD that i pretty much hate going in there now. do you think the music has actually gotten louder or have i just gotten that much older? but wait a sec...don't we lose our hearing as we get older? so we should actually become MORE tolerant of intolerable volumes.
I will have you know...I walked past some store with Brittany (cousin) the other day that was screaming out some serious death metal. (It was one of those Goth-type stores) and I said, "Ohmigosh - I could NOT work there." Brittany agreed with me...and she's only 20. So I felt better when she validated my feelings. :)
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