Thursday, December 11, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
an update (someday I'll be creative again)
In other news, after a failed eye screening and a letter from the school nurse, Jenna is following in her sister's footsteps and is now sporting a new pair of glasses! Well, she assures me she's wearing them at school anyway. This is her the day she got them. She's also modeling a prototype of the pie she made for the annual 5th grade pie contest at school. She made another one that turned out better for school and we ate the first attempt. :)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
and 11 year old and a Cratchit

Kendall should be finishing up the evening performance right now and then the cast is heading to Applebees. FUN!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
musings of a hunter's wife
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
election night
- It was 70 degrees & sunny. Even now it feels like a balmy spring night outside.
- I filled my tank for $1.94 per gallon.
- I got to vote and wear my "I Voted" sticker all day.
- I got a free coffee at Starbucks because I voted (it was gross & I threw it away..but still fun to get a freebie).
- I had the chance to spend an hour chatting with a gal I don't know very well yet, and learned that she's really nice & fun.
Have fun watching the election unfold everyone! It may be a loooooong night!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The spa girls made a brief stop at the church party (where I was volunteering) and then headed out for trick-or-treating followed by a sleepover at one of their homes. I was again reminded that I am now the mommy of big kids. Both girls had plans with friends, and since I had no one to take trick-or-treating, I spent the night helping give other kids a fun time at the church event. It was weird. Now, I was happy that Kendall & Jenna had fun things to do, but I did have a small pity party for myself and decided that if Jenna wants to hang out with friends again next year, it's gonna be at our house. :)
Monday, October 27, 2008
pumpkin bumpkins
Saturday, October 25, 2008
welcome to the neighborhood?
While I was really excited to be able to see this guy up close, it was also kinda weird that he was right up by the house like that. I started to wonder if he would eat my dog given the chance. Poor Casey lives under the constant threat of hawks, the mean puggle down the street, and now a giant fox.
But I digress. The fox was awesome and I hope he visits again one day.
Monday, October 20, 2008
this & that

Thanks to Jenna, our house is fully decorated now with many ghosts, autumn leaves, and even a spider web housing a littlest petshop spider on the mantle. In other Jenna news, she just got her soccer tryout results & she earned a spot on a traveling team for next summer! (I am working on cloning myself so two traveling teams will be manageable). She's also starting basketball next month & has been practicing hard on the driveway. After being solely a soccer family for so long, it'll be fun to have a new sport to watch. Especially one that doesn't require umbrellas & blankets!
Kendall's busy with play practices almost every night, but is having a great time of course. The show is less than a month away now & sounds like it's going to be really good! Dates & times will be forthcoming to all interested parties. :)
This post is a little disjointed, as my brain doesn't seem to be working smoothly this Monday morning, but I wanted to get something out to you my faithful readers. I think I'll get me some more coffee. Have a great day all!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
autumn splendor
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Being a Good Sport
Here are the ever-so-simple rules:
- Link to the person who tagged you.
- Post the rules on your blog.
- Write 6 random things about yourself.
- Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
- Let each person know he/she has been tagged.
- Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Six rules. Six things about myself.
1. I am addicted to talk radio. It started when I was a full-time stay-at-home-mom and I think just needed to hear adult voices around me. The stations have changed over the years as I become bored with one & move on to another, but it's still a geeky addiction that I love.
2. I was an L.A. Gear shoe model for one whole weekend. Of course this was when I was a freshman in college, 103 pounds and had size 5 1/2 feet (before pregnancies grew them to size 7). My friend & I wore little black leotards, cut off t-shirts, huge hair & had to perform an aerobic dance type thing every hour at a shoe convention. It's ok to laugh. I thought I was oh so cool at the time & earned $200 and 5 free pairs of shoes! Of course only 3 of the pairs were ever delivered & I'm still a bit bitter about that.
3. I like the smell of "distant skunk" as I call it. Not fresh road-kill skunk or skunk spray in your back yard, but the hint of skunk in the air as you drive down the road is enjoyable to me. My family is totally baffled by this oddity & enjoy making fun of me whenever "distant skunk" lingers in the air. I can hardly believe I just admitted to it actually.
4. I love High School Musical movies & can't wait for the new one. I know mom's are supposed to hate them, but I love them. The sad part is, Kendall & Jenna have both made plans to see it with friends so I may be going alone. What a pitiful sight that will be.
5. I tear up at some point during almost every movie. I hate it. It's embarrassing. It's not normal to cry during cartoons. Although there are times that I think something's wrong with my kids when they don't cry, like during "Eight Below". You can't be human & not practically sob during that one.
6. The smell of wool clothing makes me nauseous. I can often be seen smelling sweaters at the mall to see if they contain wool because I absolutely cannot wear them if I can detect it. Ick. My stomach churns just thinking about it.
Now I'm supposed to "tag" 6 people, but I don't know that many bloggers so I'm tagging just a few. I spent a ton of time doing this, so you guys better do it too. :)
- Kerri at
- Jessica at
- Kendall at
- Chloe at
Sunday, October 5, 2008
like eating cardboard...literally

Thursday, October 2, 2008
new buddy on my mantle
Friday, September 26, 2008
Yes, I know...

Friday, September 19, 2008
are we in the twilight zone?
So, please don't be confused. If you'd like to celebrate this glorious day next year, mark your calendars for September 19th. Which is today. Unless we've traveled through a time warp or something.
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008
good to see ya again

Tonight after Kendall's soccer team won their game (yay!) and the team went to Culvers (double yay!) we settled in for a night with Bill & Ted and a trip down memory lane for mom. I have to admit I probably laughed more than anyone else in the room (I think Jer actually dozed off toward the end-not unusual), but the girls were laughing too & fun was had by all. Hopefully this weekend we'll have a chance to watch my other Netflix pick this week, "Groundhog Day". I hope it's as clean as I think I remember it was. :)
Be excellent to each other......and PARTY ON DUDES!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Quirky Customers
Yesterday a lady came into the shop looking for "travel salt shakers". She asked me if we had some or if we've ever seen any in the catalogs we order from. I must have looked at her kinda funny, so she began to explain the reason for her request. She likes to take her own sea salt with her to restaurants because it's "so much better for you, especially if you suffer from high blood pressure". She told me she had tried using those little mini salt shakers and putting tape over the holes, but the salt would still leak into her purse. She had been to several stores and was sure there must be SOMEWHERE she can find travel salt shakers that have a little lid to keep the salt secure. She asked me to be sure to tell the store buyer of her request and that she knows of at least 3 girlfriends that would rush in to buy them too. She then asked me to take her name & number so I could call her if we ever get them in.
I'm not a big salt user. In fact, the only food I shake it on is corn on the cob so maybe the importance of this issue escapes me. But, if you don't like regular table salt, or you have high blood pressure, couldn't you just skip the salt for that one meal in a restaurant? Or if you're really that salt obsessed, wouldn't a ziplock baggie work just fine? It just doesn't seem like something you should spend your time running all over town looking for.
I just realized that this post reminds me of Seinfeld. The show about nothing...the post about nothing. Ha! But the quirky customers make my little gift shop job entertaining, so there ya go. And if anyone's looking for that million-dollar salt shakers!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
first day of school!
Anyway, Jenna had been looking forward to this day for a long time. She even made one of her great signs counting down the days until school (with tear off sheets) and hung it in the living room. Happily, she had a great day and can't wait until tomorrow. Who can blame her? She ended up in the same class with all 4 of her best friends and a teacher who loves parties and doesn't like homework. :) Yep, gonna be a good year for Jenna. Her only disappointment today was when I picked her up & told her that her piano teacher (who is her music teacher at school) wanted to start lessons right away today. Piano lessons just aren't as fun as they used to be. A chocolate shake from McD's helped to ease the pain though.
Kendall's first day of high school went well, but she was not happy to come home with HOMEWORK on the first day. It probably only took her 45 minutes to do, but still...come on teachers! She has two honors classes this year & there is definitely a higher standard. She got to go to her first drama class & found out that she got the part of Belinda Cratchit in the fall production of A Christmas Carol! (auditions were a couple weeks ago). So next week she begins drama rehearsals after soccer practice/games. I should get to see her around 9:00 each night. Ha! She'll have a blast though! Soccer is over the end of September, so the craziness is temporary.
Kendall actually has the same English teacher that I had for high school. Now that's just weird. I thought for sure she would retire before Kendall got to high school, but...guess not. It should be interesting.
I get to enjoy one more blissful day home alone before I go back to work on Thursday. Hmmmm, what flavor bon-bons shall I enjoy tomorrow? What mindless talk show should I watch? Lucky me!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Kendall's happy day

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Great Get-Together
The weather was perfect, clear blue skies & not too hot. We visited the "miracle of birth" barn and saw a poor sheep about to give birth surrounded by a crowd of people & a guy practically on top of her with a camera so it could be broadcast on screens all over the barn. :( I know it's educational & everything but I found it disturbing. In my mind I'm secretly plotting an escape plan for the remaining pregnant animals in that barn.
So, jumping off my soapbox, we saw a dog agility demo. (cute!), a birds of prey demo. (very cool), must-have gagets galore & our favorite talent competition. I enjoyed my once-a-year corn dog & we all engaged in our annual "weird new fair food experiment". This year it was chocolate covered bacon. Yep, what could be weirder that that? Jer & Jenna liked it. Kendall thought it was gross & didn't get past the first bite. I didn't really like it either, but managed to finish my piece just to make sure. The chocolate bacon was sold at a Famous Daves vendor that featured the loudest Elvis impersonator I've ever heard.
As usual, we marveled at the people who had most likely spent $50 in the midway attempting to win an amazing prize, that were now stuck hauling around 5-foot tall gorilla on their backs all day. We again lamented the loss of Paul Majors as we passed the KARE11 booth (ok, that was just me), and I had to settle for getting my picture taken with the Randy Shaver cutout (sorry Randy - there's no comparison).
So yeah, the fair is pretty much the same year after year, but maybe that's why we love it. Getting Sweet Martha's Cookies to eat at the talent show has become a family tradition we cherish. :) So, everyone go to the fair - and if anyone gets the hot dish on a stick, PLEASE come back here & tell me about it. I can't even imagine.....
Monday, August 18, 2008
a day on the river
Sunday, August 10, 2008
just some ramblings

Kendall returned from camp on Friday and was the most excited I've ever seen her. She told me camp stories for 3 hours straight. I'm not exaggerating...I noted the time when she stopped talking. It was great & I'm so happy she had such an amazing time! Her high school soccer (HIGH school?!?!) starts tomorrow with a 4 hour tryout/practice so the poor dear will have to get up at the crack of 7:00. Our sleeping-in days are already over.....(sigh)
Jenna is in complete heaven this week. Our neighbors are on vacation & asked us to take care of their amazing swimming pool while they're gone. In return we get to use the pool as much as we want! It has a slide & diving board & is just great! Since Jenna can do a mean "puppy dog eye", I have a feeling we'll be there every least once.
AND, there is major progress happening in the basement! Jer sprayed primer on the ceiling & walls this weekend, so now we have to get busy choosing paint colors. I don't know how to pick anything other than a variation of tan or green so I'm up for any creative ideas anyone may have. I guess we need to figure out what to do with the trim too...stain or paint? AAHHH!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
a seaweed tale
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
No Mommy!

Jenna has been at camp since Sunday with NO MOMMY. She and 6 of her best buddies are all together in a cabin having an amazing time I'm sure...eating piles of sugar at the canteen, not taking showers, not wearing sunscreen & possibly not brushing teeth. I'm picking her up tomorrow & I can't wait! It feels weird when one of your kids is gone for so long.
Today Kendall is at Valleyfair with a bunch of friends and NO MOMMY! She went with her church youth group & she's running around having the time of her life with a bunch of teenagers. Things are more fun without your mom when you're 14. I know it's normal and we want them to become independent so it's good. It just happens too fast. I get to pick her up in 45 minutes and hear all about it. Huh...I'm often looking forward to "picking them up and hearing all about it" these days. It's definitely a new phase of life.
Sheesh, I must be hormonal or something tonight! :)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
canine pageant queen
Thursday, July 17, 2008
a new post....finally
So, I guess I'm jumping around a bit, but the picture above is of ALL of us vacationers going horseback riding! I usually don't put pics on here of people other than my family for privacy reasons, but this picture is so bad that no one is identifiable anyway. :) When you hand your camera to a stranger, you never know what you'll get. Anyway, I have a slight horse phobia but tried to overcome it for my beloved daughters who were SO excited to ride and I was NOT going to miss out on experiencing it with them. We got to ride through beautiful woods & run across creeks (yikes!), and my horse, Shadow, was kind enough not to throw me off or scrape me off on a tree. Jenna hasn't quit talking about it & that's the best part!
Tonight the girls & I went and had pedicures (their first ones). I'm pretty sure there will be a picture on Kendall's blog soon. It was really fun, except when the lovely Japanese lady told Kendall that she shouldn't use the same nail color as me because "that color too old for you". Yeah, that stung a bit.
My sissy comes home in a few days! YAAAAAAAAY!!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
4th of July
We left the house bright & early on Friday to make it in time for the big parade with Grandma & Papa. We saw lots of marching bands & girls wearing crowns, but they must have outlawed candy throwing this year because the girls went home with empty baggies. I suppose someone lost an eye from a wayward jolly rancher or something. This years boat parade featured not only an Uncle Sam, but a Harry Potter themed boat as well! We're not sure what's patriotic about Harry Potter, but I suspect a mom spent a lot of money on some Halloween costumes & was determined to get her money's worth. Oddly, my new camera has a setting specifically for fireworks so I had to try it out. Kinda cool I guess. Here a few more highlights...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
My baby is 14?!?!?!
Usually Kendall has some kind of party on her birthday, but since she had a soccer tournament this weekend, we had the rare treat of having her all to ourselves on her big day. We took her to The Olive Garden (her fave) where you can see she enjoyed a giant plate of lasagna and of course the amazing salad & breadsticks. Ok, we all pigged out & loved it.
So, she's now 14 and I'm trying hard not to think about things like drivers permits, dating, and even graduation that's only 4 YEARS AWAY. Instead I'm trying to focus on how blessed I am to have such a sweet, kind, responsible & fun girl. The teenage years are supposed to be the tough ones, but I think they are GREAT! So far anyway. :)
A Challenge

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
A little quick post